Tecnologías Avanzadas Inspiralia is a unique private initiative involved in Research, Development and Innovation services to companies
It offers its clients a complete cradle to grave service from product or process conceptual design to the delivery of market-oriented technology. Inspiralia provides technical support to industrial companies, offering them R&D services and strategies for production improvement, increasing the competitiveness of their product offering. The areas of expertise cover a range of technical capabilities from the development of Advanced Materials to the application of Computational Engineering for solving complex physical problems, passing through the application of Electronics, Intelligent Systems and Industrial Control solutions. INSP has demonstrated its knowledge and expertise with its participation to several EU projects, such as: En-X-Olive (turning olive oil waste water into energy through innovative bioreactor technology), Efisol (Solar Thermal Cogeneration Plant based on Organic Rankin Cycle) or Fallwatch (wearable miniaturized fall detection system for the elderly).
In PYROCHAR, INSP will apply its experience in sensors, control systems and actuation systems to design a monitoring system for the whole process, so as to improve its sustainability and its energy efficiency. The SME partners, with their industrial knowledge, will assist INSP in this task.
INSP will also simulate and dimension the heat recovery systems and the heat circulation inside the drier. The inputs from the other RTDs and SMEs will be crucial to know all the characteristics of the different equipment. During the Demonstration phase, INSP will supervise the functional testing of the monitoring system.