Teesside University is based in the North East of England and has 29,000 students at Bachelors, Masters and Doctoral level across six academic schools. In addition, five research institutes provide a multidisciplinary base for research and business engagement activity.
The mission of the TEESSIDE is to work in partnership to enable individuals and organisations to achieve their potential through high quality learning, research and knowledge transfer. The University has participated in several Framework Programme 7 projects, including as coordinator. Related to the PYROCHAR project, they have a sound expertise and deep knowledge in the use and development of catalysts, in sludge/biomass analysis (physical/chemical), valorisation and reuse of natural resources (e.g. biochar).
TEESSIDE’s role will be first to focus on the sewage sludge and pyrolysis byproduct analysis and characterization. This will allow MESSAG to derive from it the key parameters for the pyrolysis optimization. With HYDRO, TEESSIDE will design and dimension the hot gas cleanup solution to remove tras and particles in the syngas. Furthermore, TEESSIDE will study and evaluate the biochar application and its reuse, in order to fully reuse all the by-products from the pyrolysis of the sewage sludge.